- Name the first episode featuring Kryten
- Name the first episode featuring Robert Llewelyn as Kryten
- How long was Lister actually in stasis after being sentenced to 6 months?
- Why was Lister sentenced to stasis?
- What was the buck-toothed alias of the cat?
- Name the 2 Kochanski actors
- Name Red Dwarf’s captain
- In “Backwards”, what name did Kryten and Rimmer give their stand-up act?
- What did Lister call his 2 sons? After whom?
- What was Lister’s GELF bride’s name? Why did Lister marry her?
- How many times did Rimmer confess to having had sex? Who was his first?
- Which organisation did Holly say was tracking them in his April fool joke?
- What was Kryten’s response when Rimmer asked to step up to red alert?
- Who threatened to kill the crew unless they demonstrated they led a worthwhile existence?
- In “Demons and angels”, what was Lister forced to eat while the chip was in his spine?
- In “Gunmen of the apocalypse” what game character did the cat choose?
- In “Back to reality”, what did Rimmer discover his real name was?
- How did Kryten defeat the android sent to replace him?
- How did Lister’s confidence (Craig Ferguson) die?
- What did Lister travel back in time to invent?
- In “Meltdown”, what was unusual about the end theme?
- How did the Red Dwarf crew die?
- In “Bodyswap”, why did Lister agree to swap bodies with Rimmer?
- Who did Lister see being executed in “Meltdown”?
- In “Stasis Leak”, what did the captain appear dressed as?
- Who shot president John F. Kennedy in the repaired timeline?
- What was Ace Rimmer’s catchphrase?
- What was the name of Red Dwarf’s backup computer?
- Who did Rimmer fall in love with on the Holoship Enlightenment?
- Who upgraded Rimmer’s hologram projection from soft light to hard light?